Loyalty Programs
The main feature that sets our loyalty program platform apart is the most comprehensive and customizable in the market, as it has a variety of features that allow you to establish a tailor-made program for your business. It offers you a unique way to reward your loyal customers. With our loyalty program functionality, businesses can set up two types of programs: bundled and unbundled.
How does it work?
The loyalty program in general works as a system designed to reward customers for their loyalty and engagement with a business. In this system, customers accumulate points, stamps, or any other form of virtual currency each time they make a purchase or engage in certain activities defined by the business. These rewards are then redeemed for benefits such as discounts, free products, exclusive experiences, among others.
With our loyalty program functionality, you can set up two types of programs: grouped and ungrouped.
Benefits of the Feature
Some Screens
Qué incluyen las suscripciones de Util Points
[Descripción breve]
Grouped Program
In this type of program, different levels of rewards are established within the final reward. For example, as a business, you can offer the highest reward on the 10th purchase and offer smaller rewards within these 10 purchases as desired, so the highest reward will be for the tenth visit. Once a customer reaches this goal, the card resets, starting again from the first visit. This approach allows to incentivize loyalty.
Ungrouped Program
In this type of program, rewards are not linked to a specific number of visits but are based on a purchase interval. For example, if a reward is offered on the second purchase, it means it will repeat with every second purchase. Similarly, if a reward is placed on the fifth purchase, it will activate with every fifth purchase. When discussing a scenario where the reward on the 2nd coincides with the 5th, occurring on the 10th purchase, in this scenario, the reward that corresponds to the highest number of purchases is selected, which in this case would be the reward from the fifth purchase.
Fostering Customer Loyalty
A well-designed loyalty program motivates customers to return and make repeat purchases to accumulate rewards. The ability to customize from two different groups allows tailoring loyalty strategies to meet specific needs, increasing the overall program effectiveness.
Customer retention
It will help you retain existing customers by keeping them engaged and satisfied with the brand. By providing customers with the opportunity to earn rewards (discounts, products, and more), the business enhances customer satisfaction. Customers feel valued and appreciated, strengthening their relationship with the brand.
Ease of Use and Cost Reduction
Digital loyalty programs are typically user-friendly for both businesses and customers. Customers can easily access their rewards and track their progress through a mobile app, enhancing convenience and accessibility. Digital loyalty programs are also more cost-effective to implement and maintain compared to traditional card-based or stamp-based programs. The expenses related to printing and distributing physical cards are eliminated, as well as the need for specialized equipment for stamp or point tracking.
Personalization and Segmentation
Digital loyalty programs allow for greater customization and segmentation compared to traditional programs. Businesses can gather data on customers’ purchasing behavior and use this information to offer personalized rewards and offers that are more relevant and appealing to each customer.
Interaction and Engagement
Provides additional opportunities to interact and engage with customers, from promotions, rewards, to in-app messaging. This helps keep customers informed about their rewards and available offers, while fostering ongoing engagement with the brand.
Main features
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