Complementary items
Printed materials
To inform your customers about your loyalty program and keep them subscribed to your business, we can provide you with printed materials containing the QR code of your unique code, either included for free in your payment plan or for an additional cost. You can also print them yourself
How does it work?
The printed material feature provides custom designs for tent cards, unique code cards, and banners with your logo and loyalty program information. This helps keep your customers informed and promotes participation in the program.
Benefits of the feature
Some screens
Qué incluyen las suscripciones de Util Points
[Descripción breve]
Effective Promotion
Printed materials such as tent cards, cards, and banners effectively promote the loyalty program among customers, increasing participation and loyalty.
The ability to obtain personalized designs allows adapting the printed materials to the specific needs of the business and loyalty program. This helps customers visiting your business to have an initial interaction with the loyalty program and strengthens the brand among customers.
Single-Use Code Cards
Single-use code cards are an effective way to increase customer engagement in the loyalty program.
Main features
Descarga la aplicación gratuita
Si requieres funciones más avanzadas y material impreso gratuito puedes adquirir una suscripción de pago.
Si requieres funciones más avanzadas y material impreso gratuito puedes adquirir una suscripción de pago.
También puedes tener tu propia aplicación con la marca de tu negocio.
Contáctanos para poder asesorarte de manera más personalizada.